Quite a bit of ADDere’s business revolves around not just very large metal parts but prints that need the highest reliability. That reliability comes from printing materials of the highest quality. Our customers have a lot on the line for every part we print.

At ADDere, we pride ourselves on our deposition quality. With the clientele we serve, we can’t rely on words, it’s highly important we can prove our quality of print. The best proof comes from independent testing of the printed materials. Many times, printing these large components only to test isn’t as economical or easy to extract properly-sized material to test with.
Instead, we provide examples printed on our system in the specified materials to determine if the print quality is correct for their application. This can happen before a single part is made. Typically these samples are printed as large bars of material. From there, they’ll be cut down to customer-specified shapes that align with their testing parameters. We can also print specialized shapes that can be more easily tested in a specific process our customers need.
Contact ADDere today to learn more about how our material testing process works and how we can provide test material for your large-scale additive project before investment in printing is made.