ADDere Additive Manufacturing

Manage Your Inventory Efficiently with Additive Manufacturing

Inventory management is a critical aspect of any manufacturing company, where the balance between minimizing stock and ensuring the availability of materials can significantly impact production efficiency, warehousing and costs. Just-in-Time (JIT) and Just-in-Case (JIC) inventory strategies are two approaches that play pivotal roles in manufacturing and ADDere’s additive manufacturing.

Sample Parts Table

The Just-in-Time inventory strategy, which aligns raw material orders with production schedules, is particularly beneficial in manufacturing environments. It allows for a lean inventory, reducing costs associated with energy use, storage and waste. This approach is conducive to ADDere’s ability to produce parts on demand, enhancing operational readiness and reducing the total ownership cost of manufactured goods. By employing JIT, manufacturers operate with minimal inventory, relying on precise timing and the quick turnaround capabilities of ADDere’s equipment to print and deliver parts as needed.

On the other hand, the Just-in-Case strategy involves maintaining larger inventories to prevent stockouts, especially in unpredictable market conditions. It became evident during the COVID-19 pandemic that many manufacturers did not have a solid JIC strategy in place to accommodate the disruptions in the supply chain. During this time shortages in consumer products and other important materials produced overseas came to a halt. Which drove up prices and lowered consumer confidence.

However, this approach is advantageous in additive manufacturing for several reasons. First, it ensures that a sufficient supply of materials is always available to meet sudden surges in demand. Second, it provides a buffer against the variability in 3D printing processes, where numerous factors can influence the quality and success of printed and finished parts and having additional materials on hand mitigates production delays.

Both strategies have their application when combined with ADDere’s additive solutions. Just-in-Time is aligned with the agility and on-demand nature of ADDere, supporting a lean manufacturing approach. While seemingly at odds with the lean philosophy, Just-in-Case offers a safety net that can be crucial in highly variable or less predictable manufacturing environments. The choice between these strategies in correlation with ADDere’s manufacturing process will depend on various factors, including the predictability of demand, the maturity of the processes in use, and the strategic priorities of the manufacturing firm.

How ADDere aligns with these strategies

JIT and JIC inventory strategies are essential considerations for companies involved in utilizing ADDere’s products. They must be carefully weighed against each other, considering the unique advantages and challenges of additive equipment. As the industry continues to evolve, so too will the approaches to inventory management, with the ultimate goal of achieving a balance that maximizes efficiency, reduces waste and meets the dynamic needs of the global market.

Whether it’s Just-in-Time or Just-in-Case, ADDere’s 3D printing solutions will bring resilience to your manufacturing process and keep your business competitive on the global stage. Contact us today and discuss with our additive manufacturing experts the next steps you should take.

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