
3D Printing Metal Structural Components On Demand

Metal structural hardpoints are critical components where significant loads and stresses are concentrated in a vehicle’s frame or body. These include mounting fixturing, tow/lift points, housings, and other custom-designed vital metal components. Traditionally, these hardpoints are manufactured using conventional methods like casting or forging, which can be time-consuming and costly. However, with ADDere’s large-scale additive manufacturing process, a component can be built with a shorter turnaround and with a lot less material waste and the design can be customized for the specific application.

The Advantages of 3D Printing Metal Components

Bearing Housing Print

Complex Geometries – 3D printing allows for the creation of intricate shapes and internal structures that are difficult or impossible to achieve with traditional manufacturing methods. This capability is particularly beneficial for producing lightweight yet strong components.

Material Efficiency – Unlike subtractive manufacturing, which removes material to create a part, additive manufacturing builds parts layer by layer. This process uses only the necessary material which can reduce waste and lower material costs.

Customization and Flexibility – 3D printing enables short-run production of customized parts tailored to specific requirements. This flexibility is invaluable in many industries where equipment is serviced in remote or dangerous locations.

Reduced Lead Times – The ability to quickly produce prototypes and final parts accelerates the design and testing phases. This speed is essential for industries that must iterate rapidly and bring products to the field faster.

Applications in the Off-Highway & Defense Industries

Metal 3D printing is making significant inroads in the off-highway and defense sectors, particularly in producing high-performance parts for heavy equipment and vehicles. When a part fails out in the field a new one can be printed on-site and on demand within a short period of time.

Heavy Vehicle Tow Point Bracket

Mounting Points – Printing solid steel hardpoints mounted on a vehicle provides both efficiency and strength for towing, lifting, or affixing equipment.

Internal Components – 3D printing can produce complex engine components or housings that are both lighter in weight and durable, improving the efficiency of the materials used.

Complex Piping – Creating intricate internal geometries allows for more efficient movement of gasses and fluids, which can improve the efficiency of the equipment.

ADDere Prints Components for a Whole Host of Industries

The future of 3D printing in heavy equipment and defense manufacturing looks incredibly promising. As ADDere’s process continues to evolve, we can expect even more innovative applications and materials. The ongoing development of new exotic metal alloys and advanced printing techniques will further expand the possibilities, making metal 3D printing an integral part of the supply chain.

3D printing metal structural hardpoints and vehicle components is not just a technological advancement; it’s a paradigm shift in how we design and manufacture parts. By embracing this technology, manufacturers can achieve unprecedented levels of performance, efficiency and customization.

ADDere has led the way in large-scale metal additive manufacturing components in the aerospace and defense industries. Contact us today if you are looking for solutions to your prototyping or short-run productions.

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